• We provide complete patent drafting with specifications related to cosmetics, paints, medicines, chemicals related consumer products, material processing, polymers, food processing etc. He has several years of experience in Patent Prosecution and also years of research experience in inorganic and analytical chemistry, biochemistry and polymer chemistry.

  • Agricultural biotechnology is an extremely innovative and important field of development in India. Agricultural biotechnology has a direct effect on our everyday life. The dramatic progress of modern agricultural biotechnology (“ag biotech”) over the past 20 years has created an increased awareness of the patenting of plants and other inventions which are useful in horticulture and agriculture.

    We provide the technical knowhow to register patents for specialized varieties of crop plants, pest-control chemicals, advanced feed formulations for livestock, veterinary drugs, and innovative mechanical equipment like crop planters and harvesters etc.

  • Biopharmaceuticals is a medical term for medical drugs produced using biotechnology. They include proteins (including antibodies), nucleic acids (DNA, RNA or antisense oligonucleotides) and living microorganisms like virus and bacteria where the virulence of viruses and bacteria is reduced by the process of attenuation, they can be used for therapeutic or in vivo diagnostic purposes, and are produced by means other than direct extraction from a native (non-engineered) biological source.

    We are fully equipped to provide technical database as well as knowledge equipped professional support groups to research as well as register patents for biopharma products.

  • Indigenous and local communities cherish traditional knowledge (TK) as part of their cultural identities. Maintaining the distinct knowledge systems that give rise to TK can be vital for their future well-being and sustainable development and for their intellectual and cultural vitality.

    TK associated with the biological resources is the knowledge about a country’s biodiversity; the applied uses and applications of biological resources and the prevalent practices. It is an intangible component of the resource itself. It is a form of knowledge which has a traditional link with a certain community, it is knowledge which is developed, sustained and passed on within a traditional community and passed between generations, sometimes through specific customary systems of knowledge transmission.

    The wider significance of TK means that it arises in international discussions on a host of issues – food and agriculture; biological diversity, desertification and the environment; human rights, especially the rights of indigenous peoples; cultural diversity; and trade and economic development. TK has also moved towards the center of policy debate about intellectual property (IP). IP protection of TK should recognize the objectives of Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) concerning conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit-sharing of genetic resources. The kind of objectives that TK protection intended to serve includes:

    • Recognition of value and promotion of respect for TK systems.

    • Responsiveness to the actual needs of holders of TK.

    • Repression of misappropriation of TK and other unfair and inequitable uses.

    • Protection of tradition-based creativity and innovation.

    • Support of TK systems and empowerment of TK holders.

    • Promotion of equitable benefit-sharing from use of TK.

    To protect TK of India, the Government has taken several initiatives in the past decade and passed the necessary legislations in compliance with the CBD. The same are enumerated hereunder:

    • Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005

    • National Biological Diversity Act, 2002

    • Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001

    • The Schedule Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006, also known as the Forest Rights Act, 2006.

    • Geographical Indications Act, 2003